Getting to the NTCH


Getting to the NTCH

The NTCH is located at the Zhongzheng District of Taipei City. It is accessible by car and by public transport.

How to proceed to the venue

The National Theater (Aiguo East Road)
Please enter through Gates 1 or 2 on the ground floor of the National Theater. Ticket holders can also enter through Gates 4 or 6 on the first floor, or through the underground audience entrance of the basement car park. Audience can enter the Theater 40 minutes before the performance.
The Experimental Theater (Aiguo East Road)
Please enter the venue by presenting your ticket at the entrance of the Experimental Theater 30 minutes before the performance. The entrance is located next to Gate 3 outside of the National Theater.
The National Concert Hall (Xinyi Road)
Please enter through Gates 1 or 2 on the ground floor of the Concert Hall. 40 minutes before the performance, ticket holders are able to enter through Gates 4 and 6 on the first floor, or through the underground audience entrance of the basement car park.
The Recital Hall (Xinyi Road)
Please enter the venue by presenting your ticket at the entrance on the basement of the Concert Hall, or at the underground audience entrance of the parking garage 30 minutes before the performance.
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